
Returns true if some condition is met for any record in a list of records. Or alternatively, can be used to return true if at least one record is found.




ArgumentData Type
conditionBoolean list
recordsRecord list


The any function receives a list of records, and returns a single true/false result. It can be used in two ways:

  1. To return true if one or more record meets some condition.
  2. Or, to return true if some there is at least one record in some list of records. 

In both cases, the any function will return false if there are no records.


The following calculation assumes it is running in the context of a person record. It will return true if the person record is related to one or more task records.

any([Assigned Tasks])

The following calculation assumes further checks to the status of the tasks. It will return true if the context person has at least one 'In Progress' task. It will return false if they have no tasks, or if none of the tasks have a status of 'In Progress'.

any([Assigned Tasks].[Status] = 'In Progress')