Release Notes for 2.94

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

Feature Enhancements 

Workflow Builder Improvements

This release contains a new and improved user interface for the Workflow Builder. Suggestions have been incorporated from customers feedback and is part of an overall Workflow Enhancements.

Key Changes:

  1. Ability to Expand/Collapse left Activity menu to provide a larger canvas while building workflows. 
  2. Undo/Redo buttons have moved to left hand side of the screen. 
  3. Configuration Panel now appears as the right hand side of the screen and restyled
  4. General re-styling of buttons and panels

Spreadsheet Import

  • Efficiency improvements to spreadsheet import

Bug fixes

  • Calculations: Calculated fields on form were not refreshing on update of relationship.
  • Export:Changes to SFTP Export to support smooth file transfer.
  • Reports:Style of the report could not be changed in the view mode.
  • Reports: Report builder was displaying error when a choice field is deleted from the object
  • Survey: Name of choice question was not appear in Choice Options depending on how choice question was created. 
  • Workflow: Workflow buttons were being duplicated on records in a certain scenario.

Known Issue

  • Workflow: Undo action does not work on added or deleted activities.
  • Workflow: Unable to add a 'default value' to a defined variable in workflow