Release Notes for 2.85

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

New Features Summary

See "Feature Detail" for further details & screenshots.



Self ServeAllow users to create personal reports, screens and charts that are not visible to other users.

Feature Enhancements Summary



Send Email

UI changes and enhancements to support emails going out of the platform.

Bug fixes

Bug fixes to the following areas:

  • Multiline Field: Increase character limit to 35,000
  • Workflow: Running a workflow that is not marked "run as owner" is causing an exception. 
  • Workflow: Buttons are not actionable when logged in as User in certain situations. 
  • Workflow: Nestediifwith date calculation isonlyevaluatingfirstoption
  • Workflow: Change to error message for resource key violation

Known Issues

  • Form title wrapping: if a long record name exists, then form title will wrap and may be overlapped by any action buttons on forms. 
  • Receiving of the emails is currently not working. If you try and create a New Inbox, it will not receive any emails. 

The above will be addressed in a subsequent release

Feature Detail

Self Serve


  • Non-admin users are now able to create 'personal' reports screens and charts. This will only be visible to the user that created the report, screen or chart.
  • An administrator user must explicitly give access to a user or role to undertake "self-serve actions". This is done by assigning the user to the new 'Self Service" role.
  • An administrator must also designate special 'Personal Section" where non-admin users can create personal 
  • A user in self serve role will only be able to create New Screen, Report or Chart.


To provide access foruserto create personal reports, screens and charts, as an administrator:

  1. On the left handmennu, add a "New Personal Section". This is a special section that allows non-admin users to create personal reports, screens and charts.
  2. Then, go to Administration >> User Roles
  3. Open Self Server role>>Users Tab and add the user to the Role.
  4. Go to Navigation Access tab and give the user Navigation access to the Application and the new personal section

Creating personal reports, screens and charts, as a non-admin user:

  1. Log in as the non-admin user and click on Configure button in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Navigate to the "New Personal Section" 
  3. You will get a self servemenu to create newreport, screen or chart.
  4. Any Screen, Report or Chart that a user creates is only visible to the current user