ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.
New Features
Configuration Change Auditing
Previously only records were audited, but now there is a Configuration Auditing log which will show changes to application and tenant configuration. A new menu item Configuration Changes can be found under Audit in the left panel of the Administration application. Some of the elements included are:
- object definitions
- charts
- forms
- reports screens
- resource keys
- email settings
- schedules
- triggers
- workflows
Configuration Changes in the Administration
Master Detail can link between different underlying reports
Master Detail has been improved and can now be used to link items (viz. charts, reports or hero texts) that run off different reports. Until now both items needed to be based off the same report.
Using Assign Parent on charts that use different underlying reports
Diagram: Using Assign Parent on charts that use different underlying reports
The filter on the parent can also be cleared to show all items. Using linked charts as an example, clicking the bars on the parent bar chart will filter the child chart, and clicking in the chart but outside of any of the bars will clear the filter.
Filtering by clicking on a bar in the bar chart
Diagram: Filtering by clicking on a bar in the bar chart
Hidden Analyser Conditions
Analyser conditions in Reports can now be hidden from end users. This can be set by checking the Hidden option in the Report Builder of a Analyser Condition.
Analyser condition options
Hidden conditions will appear translucent when the administrator is modifying the report, and completely hidden for users running the report.
Analyser condition is transparent when set to hidden in the Report Builder
Nested Calculations
Calculations can now refer to other calculations - provided there are no circular references - in forms and reports. This feature should be leveraged as much as possible to improve performance, because refactoring with nested calculations will reduce the total number of calculations required. Simply choose the calculated field in calculation; previously doing this would have resulted in an error message because calculated fields were not usable as terms in calculations.
Bracket Matching
When the cursor moves over a bracket in the calculation editor, the matching bracket will now be highlighted as shown with a grey background, making it easier to edit long and complex calculations.
Example of bracket matching in calculations
CASE Statement
Calculations now support the CASE statement for value comparisons. CASE may be used by either providing a value to be matched against a list of options, or by providing a list of tests.
If none of the conditions match then the result will be NULL. Also, the output data type will be the common data type among all the possible results. In the first example the result for Singapore is a string of '457' and not the number 457.
case [Input].[Country]
when 'Australia' then 'citizen'
when 'New Zealand' then 'resident'
when 'Singapore' then 457
else 'foreign'
when [Input].[Country] = 'Australia' then 'citizen'
when [Input].[City] = 'Sydney' then 'local'
when [Input] is null then 'unspecified'
else 'foreign'
If multiple options evaluate to true, then the first matching condition will be used.
- Reports: Optimisation to reduce rendering time
- Security: Accounts are locked out on the Change Password screen if the incorrect password is entered too many times
- Security: HTTP OPTIONS verb disabled
- Security: Explicitly set X-Content-Type-Options
Bug Fixes
- Auditing: No logs are created when Identity Provider User details are modified
- Auditing: No logs are created when an API is created or modified or deleted
- Boards: Boards retain settings after refreshing the page or navigating to a board item and then back to the board again using "Back"
- Calculations: Error message improved for a calculation that tries to use a field or relationship that is not valid for the object
- Charts: Add colour attributes to differentiate data points by input assigned to colour
- Forms: Cache is not being leveraged properly
- Forms: Rich text default label and properties toolbar formatting problem
- Integration: CSV fields with commas cause an error
- Screens: Reports missing from Screen Builder under certain conditions
- Survey: Changing guidance text after launching survey shouldn't change the text in the survey instances that have already been launched
- User Interface: Current user is missing in Person icon drop-down
- Workflow: Not able to cancel workflows with a long duration
- Workflow: Tenant Isolate flag causes all tenants to isolate fetching via FTP
- Workflow: Queuing of workflows is not handled properly under certain conditions
- Workflow : Review survey activity does not show correct parameters
- Workflow: A scheduled workflow based on an object consisting 100 000 records does not run after step count 27
- Workflow: Clicking on a workflow on a relationship on a form opens the previous screen in certain scenarios
- Workflow: Workflow does not stop after reaching its maximum steps
- Workflow: Run from Inbox not working for automatic workflows
- Workflows: Scheduled triggers for past dates are triggering