Comparison Operators

Less than '<'

Returns True if:

  • the first numerical value is less than the second
  • the first text value alphabetically comes before the second
  • the first date or time is before the second
  • the first choice field value is ordered before the second

Less than or equal to '<='

Returns True if:

  • the first numerical value is less than or equal to the second
  • the first text value alphabetically comes before or is equal to the second
  • the first choice field value is ordered before or is equal to the second

Greater than '>'

Returns true if:

  • the first numerical value is greater than the second
  • the first text value alphabetically comes after the second
  • the first date or time is after the second
  • the first choice field value is ordered after the second

Greater than or equal to '>='

Returns true if:

  • the first numerical value is greater than or equal to the second
  • the first text value alphabetically comes after or is equal to the second
  • the first date or time is after or is equal to the second
  • the first choice field value is ordered after or is equal to the second

Equal '='

Returns true is two values are equal, or if two record calculations refer to the same record.

[Department] = 'Sales'

Not equal '<>'

Returns true is two values or records are different to each other. For example:

[Price] <> 0


Used to compare text to a pattern.  The text (on the left of Like) can be a string literal (e.g. a fixed value) however it is more common to provide the string text via a string variable (i.e. text from a field such as [Name] ). The Like operator returns True if the text value matches the pattern. 

A percentage symbol can be used as a wildcard at the start of end of the pattern. 

For example, the following calculation will return True if the Name starts with Peter:

[Name] Like 'Peter%'

Note that you can search for square brackets literally by escaping the opening square bracket, like this:

[SomeFieldText] Like '%[[]Person]%'

The above will match any string that literally contains the text "[Person]".

Not Like

Used with Like, the Not operator (Not Like) changes a True to a False. Not Like will return False if the text value matches the pattern. For example the following calculation will return False if the Name starts with Peter:

[Name] Not Like 'Peter%'

Is null

Checks if a relationship, record, or value is equal to null (not set).

[Quantity] Is null

In (membership)

Determines if the first value is equal to one of several options.