Report Properties

There are additional settings that can be configured for a report.

To configure additional settings:

  1. Go to Report Builder.
  2. On the menu bar at top right, select PROPERTIES. The Report Properties dialog appears.
  3. Select OPTIONS. The tabs Advanced, Format and Deploy display.




    ApplicationsRefers to the name of the application to which the report belongs. 
    Report formRefers to the form that launches when you open a resource. 
    Default Display ReportMarks the report as the Default Display Report (Glossary) for the Object
    Default Picker ReportMarks the report as the Default Picker Report (Glossary) for the Object




    IconAllows you to set the icon for your report.
    StyleAllows you to define a different style for your report.
    Hide Action BarAllows you to hide the actions bar which includes the actions menu, inline editing and quick search text box.
    Hide Report headerAllows you to hide the column names from the report.




    DesktopWhen selected allows the report to be displayed on desktop.
    TabletWhen selected allows the report to be displayed on tablet.
    MobileWhen selected allows the report to be displayed on mobile.

  4. Set the options as required.
  5. Select OK.
  6. Select SAVE to save the report. The effect of the additional settings displays in view mode of the report.