ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.
Nova features
- Modifying object schema via the Nova app builder - Calculation & Lookup
We have streamlined the app configuration process to help you customise your app more efficiently. You can now modify the object schema and add new fields without the need to use the classic form builder. 🚀🔧
We will be releasing these updates over several releases. Our third release of this feature focuses on creating and modifying the Calculation and Lookup fields.
See the first release notes here and the second release notes here.
- Data table - added the ability to save data table column width
Users can now adjust the column width of a Data table and save the adjusted width as configuration in local storage. If no adjustments are made, the column width behavior will remain unchanged and match the Classic report definition of column width. - Data table filter - added a None option operator
A None option has been added to Data table filter operators to allow any operator to be selected. The None option achieves the same results as the Classic report analyzer operator [Select] option.
Platform features
- Notifications
Notifications is a new ReadiNow Platform feature that allows an administrator to configure the Platform to notify users when specific conditions are met. See here for the article explaining this feature: - Option to turn off CSV Injection escaping during Export to CSV Provides an option for the administrator to control escaping of CSV injection attack variables when exporting data to CSV from the ReadiNow platform.
- Option to strip Rich Text Markup tags during Export.
Provides an option for the administrator to strip Rich Text Markup tags when exporting data from the ReadiNow platform.
This option gives an administrator the ability to remove all Rich Text Markup tags on export and applies to all export formats: CVS, Excel and Word. The new setting has been added to the General Settings dialog under Administration.
The default behaviour of the ReadiNow platform is to escape all CSV injection attack variables when exporting data to a CVS file. Export to CSV is provided on the Report UI and in the Workflow Export activity. However, there are situations where the default behaviour is not desirable. A new option to turn off escaping of CSV injection attack variables has been added to the General Settings dialog under Administration.

Bug Fixes
Classic & Platform resolved issues
- Resolved an issue where under certain situations the screen would continuously resize when the browser zoom was set above 100%