Thumbnail Sizes

Thumbnail sizes are the pixels set for Image field. You can create different Thumbnail sizes for the Image Field.

The created thumbnail sizes are reflected in the Image Field properties.

Creating or editing Thumbnail Sizes

To create or edit Thumbnail Sizes:

  1. Select Application Menu. The menu appears with available applications.
  2. Select Administration. The application displays at the landing page.
  3. In the Left Navigation Area, select Settings. The Settings expand to display list.
  4. Select Thumbnail Sizes. The existing Thumbnail Sizes display.

    Screenshot: Thumbnail Sizes
  5. Select +NEW if you want to create a new Thumbnail Size. The Thumbnail Size form displays.
  6. Or, select the Thumbnail Size you want to edit and select ACTION > Edit. The Thumbnail Size form displays.
  7. Complete the form and select Save to save the details.

Image Field Properties

For details see Image Field.

Screenshot: Image Field Properties