Release Notes for 2.128

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.


IN Operator for Calculations

Calculations now support the IN operator to check for membership in a set. The result is true if the search term equals one of the options, otherwise it is false. The search and option expressions can be scalar values, choice field values, or records.

[Project].[Project Tasks] in (
  'Unit tests'


  • Boards: 
    • Board cards match the legend colour
    • Double-clicking on the legend filters the cards
  • Calculations: 
    • A warning message is shown for implicit conversion checks
  • Export:
    • Removed the table and row formatting in reports exported to Excel 
  • Surveys: 
    • "Original guidance" renamed to "Question guidance"

Bug Fixes

  • Calculations:
    • CASE statement is not working as a report calculation when the result is an entity that then gets concatenated
    • Calculations are behaving differently for a calculated column and a calculated field dragged to report
    • Error not shown when the condition is a list in the CASE Statement
    • Reports throw an error when filtering with a CASE calculation
    • Sorting not working when using a choice field in the search expression
  • Forms:
    • Choice field still save changes despite electing to discard changes
    • Multi-select choice field is missing hover text
  • Security: 
    • When the "Forgot your username or password" email link is used, the account's "Modified by" field is not updated
  • Surveys: 
    • Calculation for percentage completed is incorrect if the survey is followed by a review activity
    • Survey recipient can modify Launch Person Campaign target object parameter from the survey
  • Triggers:
    • Creating a schedule with a conflicting CRON does not give an error to the user
  • UI: 
    • Adding the Document library to navigation is not showing the documents added to the folder
    • Administration tab cannot be clicked after creating another tab
    • Background colour is not respected for conditional icons
    • Buttons are incorrect in the "New Object" dialogue
    • Horizontal Scroll bar displays on the "Choose Application" drop-down menu
    • Rich text field layout/margin not appearing properly in IE browser
    • Rich text field numbering and bullet points do not display properly
    • The formatting toolbar does not appear for Default control in a Rich text field 
    • User account expiry date is auto-filled by the browser with the user name
    • Verbose and unfriendly messages appear when the internet connection is poor
    • Workflow builder shows suggested fields at top-left side of the page for the Update activity
  • Workflow:
    • Cleanup operations are causing deadlocks when there are large deletes
    • Paused workflows do not respect "Limit trigger depth"
    • The error message 'clashing output arguments' has been improved
    • Workflow can trigger on relationship to Organisation Structure when there's no relationship