ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.
Nova Feature Enhancements
Data Table Refinements
- Sorting: Data table sorting has been enhanced by introducing a new sort popup to easily configure and manage multiple sorting, simplifying sort interactions and streamlining multi-sorting. The auto-append for multi-sorting has been removed.
- Full view: The data table can now be displayed in a full view mode, improving the browsing experience of large reports with many columns and rows.
- Selected Records Count: The data table footer now displays the number of selected records.
- Group Headers: The group heading summary now has improved contrast against the column values, making it appear as part of the group header row. Additionally, the group headers will use the same conditional formatting as the column values.
Page Builder Enhancements:
- Info banner: A new component named info banner is now available in Nova pages and forms. This component allows admins to highlight important information for end users. It can be utilized for displaying banners in various contexts such as Danger, Informative, Warning, or Success.
- Image Size: A new 'Compact' width option has been added to the Image component when it is placed inside a container. This option allows smaller images to be displayed closer to their original size, giving users greater control over the image's appearance and resulting in a more polished look on the page.
- Container Enhancements
- Vertical Container Alignment: The default alignment for vertical containers has been changed to "Stretch and align to top."
- Horizontal Container Alignment: The default alignment for horizontal containers has been changed to "Align to top-left corner."
- Child Container Colors: Added a new 'Slate' color for child containers to improve visual hierarchy in form layouts.
- Button Enhancements
- Button Size: The width for buttons has been updated as follows:
- For a compact button in a container, the minimum width will be 56 pixels (Small), 74 pixels (Standard), and 96 pixels (Large).
- For a button on the grid, the default width will be two columns.
- Button Text Truncation: If the button text is longer than its width, the text will be truncated to fit within the button's width.
- Button Size: The width for buttons has been updated as follows:
Form Pages:
- Form Pages: Shared pages have been renamed to Form Pages to be more consistent with their usage.
Nova Features Available in Beta
The ReadiNow Process engine is an exciting development in the realm of business process automation. It offers a highly configurable and user-friendly approach to designing and implementing business processes. The Process feature entered the beta phase in Release 2.189 and will be accessible to customers interested in joining the early access program. Please submit a support ticket to trial Process.
- Process Security Owner: Administrators can now set the Process Security Owner directly in the process builder. This eliminates the need for workarounds when the "Created By" and "Security Owner" fields are empty.
- Debug Panel Task Assignee: The debug panel now displays both the initial assignee and the current assignee when a task is reassigned. This enhancement helps users verify that a task has been successfully reassigned.
Bug Fixes
Nova Resolved Issues
- Containers Gaps: Fixed the logic for the 'None' gap option to ensure it properly reduces gaps between containers. This fix applies to vertical, horizontal, and tab containers.
- Container Direction Fix: Resolved an issue where the vertical/horizontal container "Direction" changed when switching between desktop and mobile devices in the page builder.
- Rich Text Field Copy-Paste: Pasting from Microsoft OneNote to a Nova rich text field now works correctly.
- Nova Forms Date Fields: Date fields in Nova forms will now correctly display manually entered values.
- Process Runner Chevron Dropdown: The stage selection chevron dropdown will now close automatically when scrolling between stages in the process runner.