Record Access

Record Access is used to grant User Role data level access.

Record Access is all about data level access.Navigation Access should be granted to allow any non-admin user to see the navigation item.

Granting record access

To grant record access:

  1. Open the tenant administration page 
    1. Log-in as Administrator
    2. Select Administration from the dropdown in the Header
      (the Administration page opens with menu on the left)
  2. In the Left Navigation Area, select Security. The Security expands to display list.
  3. Select User Roles. The existing User Roles display.
  4. Select the user role you want and select ACTION. The menu appears.
  5. Select Edit. The user role displays.
    Adding a new access rule
  6. Select  +NEW. The New Access Rule dialog appears.
    Selecting the object from the list
  7. In Object field select down arrow and select the object from drop-down list.
  8. Select OK to confirm.
  9. Find the new rule just added and select the checkbox.
  10. Select SAVE to save the user role.

By default, View access is granted. However, it can be changed by selecting from Permissions drop-down