
Comments allow you to keep notes within a calculation.


Use comments for notes such as:

  • how your calculation works, for convenience later
  • relevant business logic
  • other information or caveats that you may need to remember the next time you revisit a calculation.

Comment notation can be used to indicate that all text between two markers is a comment, or to indicate that the remainder of the current line is a comment. The ReadiNow calculation engine skips over comments when processing. 

How to add comments

Block comments

Text between /* and */ pairs will be treated as block style comments. 

This is a mult-line
block comment.

Single-line comments

Using two hyphens (--) will treat the text following the hypens, till the end of the line, as in-line comments.

[First name] + ' ' + [Last name]       -- this is single line comment, at the end of a line