Calculation Language Features


Comments allow you to keep notes within a calculation. Overview Use comments for notes such as: how your calculation works, for convenience later relevant business logic other information or caveats that you may need to remember the next tim...
Markup Keywords
Markup keywords may be placed after elements of code to change how it behaves. Operation Use After Example Comments !unsecured Relationship [Person has User Account]!unsecured.[Name] This allows the related records (and their fields)...
Text Templates
Overview Text templates provide a convenient and safe way to generate rich-text (HTML) and plain-text within a calculation by using document generation macros. Consider a calculation that adds strings together to form a rich-text email messa...
Calculation Names and Identifiers
Names are used in a calculations to refer to various data values such as field names, variable names and so on. Overview Names, also called identifiers , are the text labels within a calculation that refer to different sources of information. ...