Relationship Control

Relationship is a type of control that enables the user to define a 'to-many' relationship.

Refer to Relationships for more details about how records can be related to each other, and about the meaning and behavior of these relationship settings.

There are two types of Relationship fields, defined in the RELATIONSHIP TYPE tab:

  • One to Many
  • Many to Many




One to Many

One item points to multiple related items

Department has Employees

Many to Many

Many items point to multiple related items, but does not strongly own them.

Students study Subjects

Refer to Relationships for more details about relationship types.

Ownership Properties

Ownership can also be defined on Relationships, there are two types:

  • No Ownership
  • Full Ownership





Many to OneNo OwnershipA normal lookup. Points to a single resource, but neither is owned by the otherEmployee is in Department
Many to OneFull ownershipThis resource is owned by the resource being pointed toPlan Step belongs to Plan
One to OneNo OwnershipA normal lookup. Points to a single resource, but neither is owned by the otherCar has Engine
One to OneFull OwnershipThis resource is owned by the resource being pointed toEach Student has a User Account

Refer to Relationships for more details about relationship ownership.

Refer to Security Relationships for information about the Security settings that are available on a relationship.