Workflow Analyser


Workflow analyser is visualisation tool that displays the interconnections between triggers and workflows. 

As more workflows and triggers are built, it is essential for designers to understand how a trigger or workflow may affect other triggers and workflows.

Screenshot: Workflow Analyser in action

What is the scope of the Workflow Analyser?

When using the workflow analyser network visualiser, it is important to remember that the analyser will not blindly list all the workflows in the system.

Workflow Analyser scope:

  • A workflow will only be displayed if:
    • it will run other workflows,
    • it will cause a trigger to fire,
    • it is run by another workflow,
    • it is run by a trigger
  • When checking if triggers will fire the system checks if:
    • the trigger is enabled,
    • the object change e.g. create/update matches the trigger condition,
    • the fields or relationships that are changed matches the triggering fields and relationships 
  • When a single workflow is chosen the analyser will only show other workflows and triggers that the selected workflow starts. This means that if the chosen workflow does not cause other triggers or workflows to fire and is only launched by other workflows or triggers then only the workflow itself will be displayed.
  • Triggers are suppressed for the workflow Change Type activity, therefore will you not see these.
  • Only the latest version of the workflow will displayed
  • Objects will only be displayed if their associated triggers will fire
    • for example: a workflow has an update activity on Person - Age field, if no triggers are to be fired with this update then the Person object will not be shown on the graph
    • on the other hand if a trigger is fire because of this action the trigger along with the object will be displayed

How to use the Workflow Analyser?

  1. Select Administration → Workflows → Workflow Analyser
  2. Choose between either a:
    1. Full visualisation displaying allworkflows that can fire triggers, and triggers that fire workflow
      1. Select Generate Workflow Map
    2. Partial visualisation filtered by an Application
      1. Filter by Application
      2. Select Generate Workflow Map
    3. Single workflow starting point visualisation, that only shows workflows and triggers connected to the starting workflow
      1. Filter by a particular Workflow
      2. Select Generate Workflow Map
  3. Optional filter - Loop detection (workflow/trigger cycles)
    1. Highlight any loops - any loops will be highlighted in red
    2. Show only loops - will zoom on detected loops and drop all other nodes