User Input


Presents the user with an auto-generated form or a pop-up picker window, to input data for use in the workflow.


The 'user input' activity can present the user with a form or a pop-up picker to input data for use in a workflow as Variables or Inputs



For Person

The person who is presented with this input

RecordThe record that will be presented to the person when opening the task
Task nameThe user input task name in the message box
PromptText to display at the top of the form or in pop-up picker window
Display asSelect either Form or Pop up to display 
Add Workflow Inputs or VariablesAdd variables or inputs that will be displayed to the user
Save for laterOption for the user to complete the user input at a later time

Parameters created


User Input activity has the ability to filter one input variable list based on another.  This can be configured between choice fields, lookups or even relationships.

How to set up a filtered list on a User input activity

Whether you are filtering between choice fields, lookups or even relationships, it is all dependant on a parent-child relationship and the set-up on a report and its analyser conditions.  The report of the child relationship must contain the parent as a filter on the analyser.

The example below describes how to filter between Campus and Buildings lookups and assumes you already this scenario configured.

  1. Open up the child report the in Report Builder that you would like to use for the workflow, in this case a Building report
  2. Add the Campus lookup as a condition on the Analyser
  3. Save the report
  4. Create a new Workflow
  5. Select the Start activity and add select New Input Parameters
  6. Select the object Definition of where you would like this workflow to be based on
  7. Select New Variable and add to Campus details:
    1. Name: Campus
    2. Type: Record List
    3. Definition: Campus
  8. Select New Variable again and add Building details:
    1. Name: Building
    2. Type: Record List
    3. Definition: Building
  9. Add User Input activity to the workflow
  10. In the User Input activity properties select Add Workflow Inputs or Variables for Campus:
    1. Variable Name: Campus
    2. Report: Campus Report
  11. Select Add Workflow Inputs or Variables for Building:
    1. Variable Name: Building
    2. Report: Building Report
    3. Select the funnel icon and Add Filter and select the parent in Filter by field and Parameter
  12. Save the workflow