Creating a Multi-Step Page

A multi-step page allows you to break down a complex form into a series of smaller, more manageable steps. Instead of presenting all the form fields or information at once, users navigate through a sequence of steps, completing one set of inputs before moving on to the next. Multi-Step forms streamlines complex processes and improves user engagement by reducing apprehension and anxiety for new or infrequent users. 

To create Multistep page:

  1. Go to the Nova application builder.

  2. On the left-hand side expand the Shared Pages section by clicking


  3. Click the add Shared Page icon

and select Multistep form.

  1. An object selector should pop up. Expand the dropdown and select the object that will be used for the form. New records created with the form will be of the selected object type.

  2. Click Create form.

  3. A default section should be created right after. To add more sections click on the plus icon. Each section will be presented to the user as a separate page in the multistep form. you can move sections around to set the desired order for your users.

  4. To rename a section, right-click the section → select Rename section

  5. Enter the name, press Enter, and click on Save.

Based on your application requirement, add the necessary page components, fields, or relationships in the form.


Section Properties




The unique ID or name of the component.

Visibility condition

Optional expression formula to set the section’s visibility.


Use to add, remove, rename, and rearrange all sections. 


Sets the width of the section, minimum value is 2 and maximum is 12(Full).