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Workflow Navigate
Workflows have a new User Activity called 'Navigate'. Navigate allows you to create a workflow that navigates a User to a URL. This includes URLs within your tenant, e.g. you can specify URLs for Forms, Reports, Screens etc (see 'Create Link') or you can provide an external URL.
Example Workflow that is triggered by an Action button on a Form and redirects the user to a Survey that is created on the fly.
The Navigate feature works when the workflow has a UI context (e.g. user clicks an Action Button or interacts with a User Input). This feature, for example, means that you can put an action button on a Form and do things like:
- generate a new survey on-the-fly, and then navigate your user to that survey in real-time
- navigate the user to a second Form or a specific chart or report
The Navigate allows you to simplify the end user experience by navigating for them. Not only does this result in fewer clicks it allows you to navigate to objects that are created on the fly.
Learn more about Workflows and how to use them.
- Refreshing a Report no longer resets the Analyser filters.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where creating fields with the same name as an existing field could stop certain actions from working as expected.
- Fixed a rounding error that could happen on UI controls under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where certain error messages were persisting after being closed by the user.
- Fixed an issue where the picker report for Organisation structure was throwing an error if the picker report was 'Default' or 'Organisation Structure Hierarchy'.
- Fixed an issue where horizontal scroll was missing from Report columns causing columns to overlap under certain conditions.
- Workflow 'Update' activity no longer deletes Relationships when there are no values to update.
- Fixed an issue where Action buttons cannot be deleted if the corresponding workflow has been deleted.
- Fixed an issue where Action buttons were being incorrectly displayed to some users under certain circumstances.