Release Notes for 2.96

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

New Feature

Import/Export XML 

This is a new feature that allows an individual component, such as reports, forms, workflows etc, to be exported to XML format. This can then be imported into a different tenant. Please refer to the documentation to learn more about the steps involved in Import/Export of XML and the rules around this feature.

Feature Enhancements 

Spreadsheet Import Enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to the Spreadsheet import feature

  • Users can now cancel the import run even after they navigate away from Import screen.
  • Spreadsheet import now ignores cases and whitespace when importing spreadsheet
  • Import run reports now record a relationship between every record that is imported and the last run it was imported by. Users can use this relationship to find which import caused that record to be updated
  • Records that get imported from a spreadsheet are now related to the latest “import run” via a hidden relationship called “Last Import”. Users can use this relationship to find which import caused that record to be updated. 

  • There is also a new field available on all records called “Last import date”, which is a calculated field that returns the import date of the associated import run.

Workflow Task Due Date by Calculation

The following changes have been made to the following activities: User Action, Launch Person Campaign, Launch Target Campaign and Review Survey.

  • Previously the above activities allowed a property to specify a Due in time, which was allowed a static number to be set. This would then set the 'due date' of the corresponding task that gets created as part of the workflow.
  • To allow for increased flexibility, this property has been changed to allow you to set a "Due Date" as a calculation or parameter. This allows the user to set the due date of the task by calculating it based on other reference points. Note it is still possible to set the due date based on a 'due in time' by specifying a calculation similar to dateadd(day, 6, getdate() )  to make a due date 6 days after the task is created.
  • Any existing workflows will be upgraded to allow for this new property
    • Forexampleanexisting user action in an existing workflow that is set to "Due in 6 days" will be converted to dateadd(day, 6, getdate() ) 

Auditing on User Action Task

  • Any Audit History entry for a user action task now captures the user that directly actioned the task.
  • This will only be applied if the "Record History" option is enabled on the user action in workflow
  • This will be applied to any new workflow runs or runs that are currently paused 'at or before' the user action task (i.e. not completed workflow runs or completed user action tasks)
  • The format of the audit log will be:

User Action Audit Log Format:



Name Field:

<Workflow Owner>(<Workflow Triggered by>)(<User Action Actioned By>)

Admin(john.smith)(jane.lowe) Updated 'Task 1'

Description FieldAssigned to: <Acting Person>, Due: <Due date>, Actioned By: <Actioned Person>,  Completed: <Completed date>, Action: <Action Summary>Assigned to: John Smith,  Due: 30/05/2017 3:35:42 AM, Actioned By: Jane Lowe, Completed: 30/05/2017 3:36:45 AM, Action: Approve

Disable Console Session Timeout

New setting in "Administration>Settings>General Settings" to "Disable console timeout settings". When this is checked, the console session timeout will be disabled (i.e session timeout will not occur). Note: this will disable the session timeout when logging on using standard ReadiNow credentials or any external identity providers such as OpenID Connect or SAML

Disable Communications Setting

New setting in "Administration>Settings>General Settings" to "Disable Communications". When this is checked, all email or SMS communications are prevented from being sent from ReadiNow

Bug fixes

  • User Actions: User action drop down shows multiple entries of the user action when it is run more than once on the same record

  • Report: setting default value to be true for a new boolean field make all existing appear true on report

Known Issue

  • Workflow - running workflow on Form on Screen is not passing record info to workflow unless a record is selected
  • Screens: refreshing the matrix chart on a screen displays the hidden rows on the corresponding report