ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.
New Features
Rich email body viewer
The rich email body viewer provides the ability to view the contents of a received email as close to the original sent email. The viewer is provides richness similar to Gmail and Outlook viewers provide.
When an email arrives it may contain both a plain text and a HTML version. An attempt is made to look for an available HTML version. If a HTML version is available it is used and is stored in the Body field will be HTML. The Body field will only contain plain text if the email was sent only in plain text and no HTML version is available.
Received Email form with embedded rich email body viewer
Feature Enhancements
Charts legend only displays filtered choice fields options
When filtering on specific choice field options, only these selected items be visible on the chart legend.
For example, you may be managing a list of incidents where a chart is required with 'open' incidents only. In the case where a choice field is used to represent incident status, where typically 'open' can be categorised into: New, In Progress and Waiting on Customer, and 'Closed' incidents into: Resolved and Closed. When you now filter on the 'open' choice fields options, these are the only options you will only see on the chart, thus removing unnecessary closed status options from the chart.
Chart legend only shows filtered choice field options
Additional calculation functions supported in forms
The following calculations are now available for calculated fields on forms:
- rand, any, every, first, last, reverse, skip, concat, join
- iif (can return lists, however results must be scalar when used in reports )
- order by
Note: While the above functions are now available on the forms, fields using unsupported reports functions are will not be visible in the report field list.
Ability to time a report for a user in Report Diagnostics
To assist with improving report performance for you and your team, Report Diagnostics now allow you to time how long it takes to run a report as the specified user.
Run timed functionality in Report Diagnostics
Import survey choice options using Import Spreadsheet
Application developers can now import long list of choice field options into the platform via Import Spreadsheet. This saves the application developer time by avoiding having to manually enter choice field options.
Import Choice options through Import Spreadsheet
User Action activity provides task "Completed By" as parameter
The workflow User Action activity parameter outputs has been extended to now provide information on what user completed a User Action task through the parameter of "Completed By".
For example, say a User Action task could be completed by several people, like a sales proposal can be a approved by one of the many sales team leads. Once the sales proposal has been approved, a message can be sent back to the workflow initiator, the team member who requested the approval, the team lead who approved the proposal.
Example of "Completed By" parameter
Miscellaneous Enhancements
- Boards - search strings are now retained when drilling down and navigating back to the board
- Boards - Need a back button to navigate back to the main board when navigation
- Application Toolbox - Applications are now sorted alphabetically application drop down list
Bug Fixes
- Calculations: Rand() function fails when used in a calculated field on a form
- Calculations: Using a variable which follows a relationship inside an aggregate fails
- Charts: Chart with two series cannot display the total count of records as its result for one of the series
- Charts: Client error when 'Count' is dropped on 'Values' after 'Show all Values' is selected.
- Reports: Calculated fields not getting displayed in intelliSense list in other calculated fields
- Reports: Failure when report is ordered by a calculated column or field and the field referred in the calculation is deleted
- Reports: Proper error message should be displayed to the user if report is broken due to some SQL errors
- Reports: Report and form crashing when calculated field 1 refers to calculated field 2 and the calculated field 2 is made empty
- Reports: Report failing for a calculation of type 'Time'
- Reports: Report with "order by" is returning too few rows
- Security: In some situations, recursive access rules fail and therefore user cannot open form for records
- Workflow: Deadlock rerun failed on clone activity