Sample Calculations

Date Manipulation

Returns the Month of when a record was created.

DatePart(Day,[Created Date], getdate())

Assessing Relationships

Returns the of name of the organisation that a person works for.


Categorising Data

Returns whether a person is an adult or child.

 iif([Age] > 17, 'Adult', 'Child')

Date and Time Differences

Calculates the difference between when a Task record was created and the current date, only when the Task status is not completed.  Otherwise it returns null.

 iif([Task Status] <> 'Completed', Datediff(day,[Created Date], getdate()), null)

Maximum Age

Finds the maximum field value for given a set of data.


Text Manipulation

Returns the person's name from an email address.

LEFT([Business Email],charindex('@',[Business Email]) -1)

Conditional Count

Returns a count of the number of textbooks that are only e-books.

 Count([Textbooks] where [E-book] = true)

Sum with Conditions

Returns sum of the cost of textbooks that are only e-books

sum(([Textbooks] where [E-book]=true).[Purchase Price])


Using a variable in a calculation

Let a = [Start Date]  SELECT iif(a>getdate(),'Future','Past')