
The where keyword filters a record list by applying a yes/no condition.


list where condition


ArgumentData Type
listrecord list
conditionsingle-value bool (true/false)
resultrecord list


A list calculation (such as requesting all records of a particular type, or following a to-many relationship) is provided to the left of the where keyword. A filtering calculation, typically some sort of comparison, is then provided to the right.

The filtering calculation must be a single-value calculation, not a list calculation. For example, you can filter a list of Person records by testing whether their name is equal to some value, but not (directly) by testing whether they have a task that is named some value, because a person could have multiple tasks, which would therefore result in multiple true/false results for each person. Note, however, that the any and every functions can  combine multiple yes/no results back into a single result.

Use of true/false fields

The where keyword is typically used with a comparison such as [Field] = 'value'. However, any calculation that returns a true/false function can be provided to the right-hand side of a the where keyword, including the name of a bool true/false field. For example:

all([Task]) where [Is completed]


The right-hand sorting calculations are evaluated with respect to the records returned by the left-hand side. For example, if you refer to the [Name] field on the right-hand side, then it refers to the name field of the record list being filtered, not the name field of some other parent record that may be applicable to the calculation as a whole.

If it is necessary to refer to the parent record, then first assign the context to a variable and then refer to the variable within the where condition. For example:

let parentRecordDueDate = [Project due date]
count( [Tasks] where [Estimated task completion] > parentRecordDueDate )


[Incidents] where State='NSW'
all([Person]) where any(not [Assigned Tasks].[Is complete])