User Message


The 'user message' activity can be configured to send a message to a particular user (or list of users) as part of a workflow. The message will appear as a pop-up at the bottom right of the users screen (if they are logged in) and also added to the 'Notification Tray' in the top right menu bar.

As an example, a 'User Message' activity can be used to inform the user that a new record has been created as a result of the workflow run.

A 'create link' activity can be used prior to the 'user message' activity to embed a link to the user message that is displayed to the user. As an example, a user message can be used to inform the user that a new record is created and include a link to that record.


The 'User Message' activity can be used to send to a list of people or an individual one. Depending on whether sending to a list or individual, the following settings must be configured:



Sent ToWhether this message intended for 'Specified Person', 'List of People' or 'Workflow Initiator'


(Note: this field only appears when 'Send To' field is set to 'Specified Person')

The person who will receive this message

Recipient List

(Note: this field only appears when 'Send To' field is set to 'List of People')

A list people who will receive this message
Message TextThe actual message to be displayed to user. It could be set with specified with fixed message, or referring to an expression by calculation, parameter or a record.

Parameters created




[Activity Name].Sent MessageRecordThe message sent out by the User Message activity