Importing Questions

Importing Survey data can be used when dealing with a large number of questions or from an existing  library.

The following Survey elements are supported for import:

  • Choice Option Set (see below)
  • Question Category
  • Question Library

Importing a Choice Option Set

  1. If necessary, first create a new Choice Option Set
    1. Administration → Survey → Choice Options → New button
  2. Prepare a spreadsheet with the data
    1. One column called "Name"
    2. One column called "Order"
    3. One column called "Value"
    4. One row for each option to be imported. Note that there are no resource keys presently defined on survey choice options, so take care not to create duplicates. 
  3. Select Import Spreadsheet to start a new import
  4. Wizard page 1:
    1.  Upload the file created in step 2
  5. Wizard page 2:
    1. On the "Select Object" screen, leave the import type as Objects
    2. Open the object picker
    3. In the analyser, set "Advanced objects" to Yes, and apply.
    4. Select the row named "Choice Option"
  6. Wizard page 3:
    1. On the "Select Columns" screen, the Name, Order and Value columns should map automatically. If not, map them as usual.
    2. Click on the "Fixed Value" link in the top-right corner.
    3. When the window opens, change the "Fixed Value" setting to the name of the Choice Option Set that you want to import into (e.g. the one created in step 1), and press OK
    4. Observe there is a new mapping row.
    5. Set the "Object Field" drop down for the new row to "Choice Option Set"
  7. Proceed with remainder of import as normal.