Chart Builder

The chart builder page has the following features:

  • A Left Navigation Area toolbox with a list of fields from based report
  • A toolbar at the top right corner
  • Chart header area
    • Chart name - editable label
    • Chart description - editable label
  • Chart series panel
  • Chart preview

Any change to the chart settings makes the preview update immediately, except those made in property windows, which are applied when you select OK.


Chart builder consists of:

  • The chart report name
    • Which is linked to the based report (navigate to it if clicking on it)
    • And will show <none> if there is no name
  • A 'refresh' icon, which will reload the based report
  • A list of chart series, each of which have: 
    • A list of report columns, which can be used as data sources
    • A special 'Count' source of type integer
    • A special 'Row number' source of type integer

The chart series:

  • Show the column name
  • Show an icon, based on the data type of the report column
  • Can use drag and drop onto chart series inputs


  • Allows name and description to be edited
  • Committed once you press enter or click away, or select save


Chart toolbar has the following options:

  • Refresh - Reloads the report data, and re-renders the chart
  • Properties - Opens the chart properties dialog
  • Undo/Redo - Should work for all chart operations
  • Save - Saves the chart (and reloads it). Prompts that save was successful
  • Save As - Saves a copy of the chart as a new one. Prompts with a dialog for new chart name
  • X - Closes chart builder, prompts the user to save any unsaved changes then does a navigate to parent

Series Panel

 A chart has one or more series. 

A series represents an instruction to take a particular set of sources and render them in a particular way.

Each series consists of the following:

  • A name
  • A chart type e.g. column, line, pie, etc.
  • Several data source inputs e.g. primary, value, colour, that report columns (sources) can be assigned to
  • Various properties (although these are typically exposed in the UI via property pages of individual inputs)
  • A primary axis and a value axis (although some charts do not make use of these).
    • Either or both of the axes may be shared between series

Updating the name

  • The name of a series can be renamed by selecting the name and typing over it, otherwise a default name is assigned based on the chart type and the 'values' source
  • A name can be restored to 'using the default value' by editing it and clearing the value

Adding or removing a series

  • The Add series button bar at the top of the series panel adds a new series
  • The X icon on each series will remove it
  • A chart must have at least one series to work

Setting chart types

  • The chart type can be selected from the Properties icon.
  • Chart type is selected per-series, not per-chart