
This activity routes the process based on a calculation.

Multiple conditions can be added (based on a calculation), when a condition is found to be true, then the corresponding exit point is used to progress the workflow. As an example, a 'Gateway' activity can be used to choose a path depending on an expense amount (e.g. if expense is greater than $1000, then follow path 1. If expense is less than $1000, then follow path 2).


Multiple 'Conditions' can be added. Each condition is any calculation that evaluates to a true or false answer. When a condition is found to be true, then the corresponding exit point is used to progress the workflow.

If no conditions are found to be true, then the 'Otherwise' exit point is used to progress the workflow.

Note: if multiple conditions and exit points are used, then the conditions are evaluated from top to bottom.



Condition & Exit point

Two Part Setting

  1. Calculation that must be evaluated to a true/false
  2. Exit point name
Add new conditionAbility to add another condition and exit point

Parameters created
