
Documents field is a control that enables you to upload a document.   The Document field enables users to define a 'one-to-many' relationship to documents.

Documents can be added by dragging them to the Document field.

Clicking on a document name will download the document.

Security for document file names

In line with our commitment to ensuring the highest level of security, we have introduced new filename restrictions for files uploaded to the document library and generated by the platform. 

File names and file extensions can use any combination of characters except for the following prohibited characters (which will be automatically sanitised by replacing with an underscore):

   - semicolon

   - straight double quote

.    – period or dot

/    - slash

:    - colon

|    - vertical bar or pipe

%    - percent

   - backslash

>    - greater than

?    - question mark

*   - asterisk or star

&    - ampersand or and

<    - less than

#    - hash or pound

!    - exclamation mark

=    - equals

Note: a single ‘dot’ is permitted to separate the file name from the file extension.

Other generally prohibited characters are:

  • Integer value zero, sometimes referred to as the ASCII NUL character
  • Characters whose integer representations are in the range from 1 through 31

For convenience, when an attempt is made to upload a file with any of the listed characters is made ReadiNow will automatically sanitise the file name by replacing the prohibited characters with an underscore, ‘_’.  Similarly generated and downloaded files will also be renamed by replacing the prohibited characters with an underscore, ‘_’.  

In the case of a period or dot, replacement will occur from left to right and only the last period or dot will be left in place to separate the file name from the file extension.