Calculation Operators


Comparison Operators
Less than ' ' Returns true if: the first numerical value is greater than the second the first text value alphabetically comes after the second the first date or time is after the second the first choice field value is ordered after the secon...
Logic Operators
Logical NOT The not operator converts a true result to false, and a false result to true. For example, the following will return true if x is not equal to 5. not x = 5 The following calculation will return true if the boolean field 'Report s...
Mathematical Operators
Add Adds two numbers. Example: [Invoice Total] + [Delivery Cost] Subtract Subtracts the second number from the first number. Example: [Invoice Total] - [Discount] Multiply Multiplies two numbers. Example: [Unit Price] * [GST Percent...
String Operators
Concatenate Joins multiple strings together. For example: [Title] + ' ' + [Last Name]