What are Nova Pages?


What Are Nova Pages?
In the context of Nova, Pages are its backbone. “Nova Pages” work like  Screens  in classic where users can create and design their application by adding various components. These components could include elements like text, images, data tables, or ...
Creating a Nova Page
To create a Nova Page: Go to the Nova application builder. On the left-hand side expand the Pages section by clicking icon. Click on the Create New Page icon  In the pop-up screen, enter the appropriate Page name a...
Page Properties
Page properties refer to the configurable settings and options that allow users to customize the characteristics and behavior of a Nova page. Property Function  Page name The unique identifier assigned to a page....
Configuring the Menu structure
The Pages section has two parts:  Menu structure - arrangement of navigational elements within the application.  Other pages - this is where your newly created page will show. All pages located here will be automatically hidden in the app's ac...
Desktop, tablet, and mobile views refer to the different layouts and presentations of an application designed to accommodate various screen sizes and devices. Responsive design aims to ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience across a range of...