Properties of a Nova Application

Application properties generally refer to the configurable settings or parameters that define the behavior, appearance, and functionality of the application. 

To navigate to the application properties:

  1. Go to Administration → Readinow Nova → Apps.

  2. In the Apps menu look for the application that you want to edit. You can either scroll down through the list of applications or type in the name of the application in the Search bar.

  3. On the right-hand side, click the application’s corresponding Options 

    icon and select Properties.

Available properties:





App name

The unique identifier assigned to an application.



The concise and informative piece of text that introduces and highlights the key features, functionalities of the app.


URL Slug

The part of a URL that identifies a particular application. It is the segment of the URL that comes after the domain name and any subdirectories.



Selected application is used for packaging and deployment.



Toggle to give the selected users right to access the app.


Access rights

The user roles that will have right to access the app.



The visual representation or symbol used to represent application.


Show menu by default

Toggle to show menu will be by default on new pages.