
This page contains forward-looking statements which contain risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Therefore ReadiNow reserves the right to change, update or remove any statements made on this page at any time.

The intent of this page is to provide a high-level overview of major features planned over the next few months. ReadiNow may release features and enhancements in each release cycle that are not listed on this page as part of the day to day platform improvements.

Refer to Release Notes for details of recently released features.



Centralised area for creating multiple reminders (eg. Reminder for reviews) without the need to creating individual workflows. Notifications assigned to individual objects and utilising email templates.


ReadiNow Process will enable you to easily configure an end to end business process that displays the progress directly to the user. The ReadiNow process will complement the existing Workflow engine to enable highly configurable business process automation.

Process will allow for both sequential and parallel paths to allow flexibility in implementing complex business processes.


We are committed to ongoing enhancements of our Nova interface, ensuring an improved user experiences.

Custom validation

Users will have the ability to define validation rules on your Nova page form.

Inline editing

Edit directly from a data table component,  a  favourite feature from our classic UI, will be integrated into the Nova form page with refreshed  modernised UI/UX.

Form breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs on form pages will provide the user with a visual trial of user navigation within company records. This will also help reduce the number of clicks helping you get to where you need to be faster. 


Hierarchical data will be visually displayed in filters and on forms simplifying data entry and providing enhanced experience when used on dashboards.

Building application schema using Page Builder

Build schema without the need to leave the Nova Page Builder.  We will continue to add features to allow you to build and manage object schema within the Page builder, meaning there will be less jumping between the classic form builder and new Page Builder.

AI suggest

Save time during data entry with the assistance of  AI assist to suggest information.  It will suggest texts based on the questions you ask.  Additionally it will also add list items as many records, which is particularly helpful for example task actions and  compliance checklists.

Supporting Teams

Our tasks will natively support teams, allowing tasks to be assigned to a team collectively.  

New Module: Environmental, Social & Governance Modules

Rollout of a new modules to cover the Environmental, Social and Governance management and reporting 


Continuation of refreshing GRC Apps

Re-Release of GRC modules to take advantage of new pages features and the enhanced user experience.